Resetting lost Unify Controller Admin password

Had a recent issue at a new site. Previous IT guy did not want to disclose the Unify controller web admin password.

If you have access to the server from where the Unify Controller is installed, there is also a database MongoDB installed. It requires no authentication. To reset the password you will need to do the following:

  1. Download and Install RoboMongo
  2. Then head over and recreate the password hash HERE at QuickHash.
  1. At QuickHash, make sure you select SHA 512 / crypt (3) / $6$. You must select this otherwise the new password hash you generate will not work.
  2. In the salt field, make sure you type this EXACTLY: 9Ter1EZ9$lSt6
  3. In the Input Data field, type your NEW PASSWORD you wish to use for the Admin account.
  4. Click Generate
  5. Copy that to a text file or something. You will use this to replace the password has in the database.

At this point you have your NEW PASSWORD which you will use when you log into your account and the PASSWORD HASH which goes into the database.

  1. Open up Robo 3T and create a new connection. You will use localhost:27117
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click Connect on the new connection you just created
  4. You will see a list of tables in the database.
  5. Click on the dropdown arrow next to “ace”
  6. Right click on “admin” that is your account for the web console
  7. Select View Documents from the popup menu
  8. On the right hand side you will see “keys”
  9. Click the dropdown arrow to the left of the key and you will find “x shadow”
  10. Right click on “x shadow” and select Edit Document
  11. You will see “x_shadow” towards the bottom.
  12. In quotes there is the old hash. Delete the OLD HASH between those quotes and paste your NEW HASH.
  13. Click Save
  14. Go to the Unify Web Controller url, type admin and the NEW PASSWORD you just created. (NOT THE HASH, THE PASSWORD).
  15. Enjoy.

Customizing Debian 9 Gnome Terminal

Probably the ugliest thing to look at in your Debian 9 system is your terminal. Plain jane white.

Head over to Gogh and pick out your theme.  For Debian 9 there is a bug so install it this way:

  1. Open up Gnome Terminal and run to reset profiles:
    dconf reset -f /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/
  2. ”Unname” Rename profile called “default”.
  3. sudo apt install uuid-runtime
  4. wget -O gogh && chmod +x gogh && ./gogh && rm gogh

NextCloud Client and Debian 9 – install instructions

Save the following under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nextcloud-client-m4lvin.list.

# Nextcloud Client for Debian 9 Stretch:
deb /

The following PGP key is used to sign this repository:

m4lvin packaging <>
fingerprint: 7492 24A4 AF35 2B44 511E 050E 7E42 0D98 B2CF 44CE

Get and install it like this:

gpg --recv 0x51B6417AB18303DE
gpg --export 0x51B6417AB18303DE | sudo apt-key add -

Then install the client:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nextcloud-client

Its time…for HTTPS traffic. How to go about it in VirtualHosts directive.

Had to go thru this for a few sites I manage.

You can do it in .htaccess which I dont like using.  If you use the RedirectMatch directive below, you’ll get not only the call to the domain, but any subsequent page after the domain.

For example, and also will both be forwarded to their
https equivalent.



NameVirtualHost <the IP>:80
<VirtualHost <the IP>:80>
ServerAlias *
RedirectMatch permanent ^/(.*)$$1

Disabling device multipath in oVirt

If you have oVirt on your host, multipathing is enabled by default.   Its cauing me issues formatting additional data drives.  To disable it you’ll need to edit /etc/multipath.conf and add the below on the second line.

blacklist {
devnode “*”

You can reboot or manually disable multipathing.

multiipath -d -v3



Actually, oVirt manages multipath.conf.   You will need to create a directory “conf.d” if you dont have one in /etc/multipath.   Then create yourdevice.conf and add the blacklist info.